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This Space is As Forever As Your Body


Shown here at Bushwick Open Studios, The Schoolhouse


Imagine a room of peace, where all are welcome to sit, pray, meditate, be.

Living in Bushwick Brooklyn, and traveling around NYC everyday, I found many objects in the street. Collecting discarded trash, metal screws and bolts that fall from the trains roaring overhead, little pieces of life infused with human energy. 


These items are interspersed throughout the space minimally, gently, given reverence, showing us pictures of ourselves in artifacts. They are mixed with stones, fossils, plant life, and various forms of light. Broken mirrors spatter the floor, reminding us of the sharp edges of everyday life we must learn to be peaceful in.


I am interested in how the weather creates change with materials. Rust, degradation, elements gently breaking down and becoming part of the earth again. All spaces are transient. 

This is a space of quiet reflection, a place to take your shoes off, sit gently and be. 


This Space is As Forever As Your Body changes with whatever space it is in. It can be indoors or outdoors. Light is used to create glowing embers around the space. As the day passes, different feelings will happen with the changing daylight. I have many beautiful objects, and love to infuse these with objects from any city or space.

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